6 June 2025
7 - 9 June 2025
8 June 2025

Your Journey
How to get there
We recommend travelling by Deutsche Bahn, HVV public transport and the inexpensive rental bikes from StadtRAD Hamburg. There are also various car-sharing providers in the city and the electric shuttle buses from MOIA.
To celebrate our anniversary, we want to offset the festival's carbon footprint. To do this, we are collecting donations for projects that offset emissions and protect the environment. You can plant trees with us here.
Overnight stay
You can spend the night on the gym mats in the dance studio. One night costs 20 euros, each additional night 15 euros. Please indicate your reservation request when booking your ticket and pay for the overnight stay in cash on site, as it is not included in the ticket price.
The sleeping places are available from Friday evening to Tuesday morning. All guests sleep in one large room. Please bring your own pillow, sleeping bag and, if necessary, an air mattress.
We have also reserved a room contingent at the Hotel Schanzenstern Altona. You can make a booking request for single, double or multi-bed rooms there until 1 February 2025 under the keyword ‘Body Rhythm Festival - Participants’.
The café in the dance studio is open for us throughout the weekend. Here you can get drinks and snacks at moderate prices.
Filter coffee and tea are included in the festival ticket for breakfast from 8.00 am. When booking your ticket, you can also register for the breakfast buffet for 5 euros and order a vegetarian lunch for 10 euros per day - for one, two or all three days. Please pay for your meal order in cash on site, it is not included in the ticket price.
There are other cafés and restaurants within walking distance.
We recommend that you bring a water bottle with you so that you can keep it topped up.
The form for selecting your accommodation and catering requirements will appear automatically during your ticket booking.

Awareness & Safe(r) Space
Our aim at Body Rhythm Festival is to create a safe and joyful space for everyone, regardless of ethnic background, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, nationality, physical appearance, (dis)ability or previous experience. We therefore do not tolerate racism, sexism, ableism, ageism, anti-Semitism or any other form of discrimination or abusive behaviour.
Consensus or consent: only yes means yes!
We believe that we share responsibility for the atmosphere, mood and community. Dance, sing and groove wildly, but make sure you give others space and respect their boundaries. Be inclusive and approachable. Act according to the principle of consensus and recognise that boundaries differ from person to person. Actions and physical contact only take place with mutual consent. If you are not sure about something, ask.
Where an assault begins...
... is always determined by the person affected and they have the right to decide how to proceed after the incident. You have the right to feel safe and respected. If you feel harassed or uncomfortable, contact us. If you see that another person needs help or something doesn't seem right: ask or let us know. We take all reports seriously. The perception of the person concerned will not be questioned. You do not have to explain or justify your experience or observation. Solidarity comes first.
You will be asked to agree to the arrangements when you book your ticket.

How do I get to the Bewegungswelten Studios?During the festival days all workshops, jams, panel talk and the Open Stage Party will be taking place in the Bewegungswelten Studios (Billie's), Stresemannstraße 374b, 22761 Hamburg, Germany. We recommend that you travel by Deutsche Bahn, HVV public transport and rental bikes from StadtRAD Hamburg. The nearest bus stop is Bornkampsweg. There are also various car sharing providers in the city. If you travel to the festival by car, please park opposite the dance studio (other side of the street) in the courtyard of the Wein-Outlet, Stresemannstraße 375, 22761 Hamburg. Please drive through to the very back and do not park in the front on the customer car park. If you have any further questions about the journey, please send us a message using the contact form.
Is there accommodation available?You can sleep on the gymnastic mats in the dance studio. One night costs 20 euros, from two nights 15 euros. Please indicate your reservation request at the end of the ticket booking. Since places are limited, first come first serve. You can only pay cash on site. Please note: The sleeping places are available from Friday evening until Tuesday morning. All overnight guests sleep in one big room. Please bring your own pillow, sleeping bag and, optionally, an air mattress. We have also reserved a room contingent at the cozy Hotel Schanzenstern Altona. Until 1 February 2023 you can book single, double and multi-bed rooms there under the keyword "Body Rhythm Festival". Since the places are also limited, the rule is: first come first serve. We can recommend the following accommodations in the area: Superbude, Instant Sleep, B&B Hotel Altona or via booking.com and Airbnb. The form for selecting your food and accommodation preferences will appear automatically after you have completed your ticket booking. If you have further questions about accommodation in the dance studio, please send us a message via the contact form.
How is the catering at the location arranged?During the whole weekend the café in the dance studio is open for us. For breakfast you get filter coffee and tea for free, you can have bread rolls for 1,50 Euro each. When you book your ticket you can also order a vegetarian lunch for 10 Euro per day, for one, two or all three days. You can only pay in cash on site, the meals are not included in the ticket price. You can also get drinks and snacks at moderate prices in the café. Alternatively, you can find cafés and restaurants nearby that are within walking distance. We also recommend that you bring a water bottle with you, which you can fill up again and again. The form for the selection of your catering and accommodation wishes appears automatically after your ticket booking has been completed. If you have further questions about the catering at the dance studio, please send us a message using the contact form.
How do I get my ticket?We do not send you a ticket by post. After you have purchased your ticket on our website, you will receive an email confirmation. Please report to the check-in on the morning of the workshop day to receive your festival wristband. This entitles you to participate in the workshops.
How can I order a festival t-shirt?After completing your ticket booking, you will be shown a form. There you can order an ecologically and fairly produced festival T-shirt in your size. You simply pay for your T-shirt in cash at the festival.
May I display my flyers?Yes, you can! We understand the annual festival not only as a unique meeting of our body music community, but also as a platform for exchange and education. To promote exchange, there will again be a long table in the atrium of the Bewegungswelten studios where you are welcome to display info about your projects. You are also invited to showcase your body, voice and movement skills at the Open Stage on Saturday evening.
What are the cancellation conditions?You can view our cancellation conditions for ticket bookings at any time here https://www.festival.bodyrhythm.de/agb?lang=en.
What age group is the festival for?People of different ages come to the festival: all generations are welcome here. In past years, people well into their 70s have attended. Festival ticket booking is possible from the age of 16.
Where do the workshops take place?All workshops on Saturday to Monday are in the Bewegungswelten Studios (Billie's), Stresemannstraße 374b, 22761 Hamburg-Altona. Which course takes place in which studio can be found in the program, which you can also download as a PDF. It will be available at several locations during the festival days.
Do I have to register for the individual workshops?No, you don't need to register for the individual workshops in advance - your festival ticket is sufficient. On each of the festival days we will post lists for the individual workshops in the morning before the start. Here you can sign up, so that we get an overview of the group size. Since different course concepts and room sizes only allow a certain number of participants, some workshops will be offered more than once.
What shoes and clothing should I wear during the workshops?The dance rooms can only be entered barefoot, on socks or with indoor shoes. We recommend athletic shoes for most workshops. Your clothing should be such that you can move well in it and feel comfortable.
Which language is spoken in the workshops?Due to the internationality of our faculty and participants, English is spoken in most workshops. If you are not so confident in English, there is always someone in the course who can translate. In this case, please become active yourself and ask other participants right at the beginning of the course. In the past years, besides German and English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, Russian and many other languages were present.
For which level of requirements are the workshops intended? Do I need to have previous experience?As every year, participants of all levels are welcome: Beginners as well as experienced rhythms will enjoy the different workshops. The workshops cover a wide range of rhythm, song and dance for different levels of experience. By dividing the workshops into three levels, we would like to give you some help in estimating the level of difficulty. You choose for yourself what you are confident in and in which areas you would like to challenge yourself.
Can I bring my child to the workshops?The workshops are designed for adults. It is possible to register a minor child if you are present as an adult parent or legal guardian. Please write us a message beforehand. Our special 90-minute Kids Workshop is for children between the ages of 8 and 12. You can find more information by clicking on the corresponding product in our shop.
What's the taster or introductory workshop?The taster workshop offers the opportunity to try body percussion once and get to know the festival. The 90-minute workshop is offered every morning during the festival days. Again, no previous experience is necessary. Those interested have the chance to join the festival afterwards, provided there are still tickets available.